Advisory and previous studies (Preliminary project)
INGENIERÍA TORNÉ S.L. gets involved from the first moment in the preliminary phase. We find this par t of the projects essential, because it defines conceptually the installations of buildings. This is the moment to develop all the possibilities of the building, depending on the needs of the building, evaluating energy efficiency, use, rationality, economic investment, operating costs, guarantees of good maintenance etc...
Action during the preliminary project
During the preliminary project is determined the suitability, description and qualitative and quantitative assessment of each solution. Establishing the starting point and parameters of calculation according to regulations, functions, requirements of contents, requests or rules of the client.
A pre-dimensioned by global calculations allows to define the main terminal and equipment, as well as designing initial schemes of the solution.
We are working on the plans available, pre-dimensioned rooms, installations bracket and other needs, always in coordination of architectural requirements of the building.
In this part an estimate of the economic cost of installations, separated in chapters, is done.