Services Post-construction
INGENIERÍA TORNÉ S.L. between their services offers a follow-up of all the installations of a building once completed.
The goal of this service is to ensure the customer a control and supervision of the operation of its facilities applied to their energ y performance and their operating costs.
Depending on the type of building and its size, it provides an energy management during the exploitation of the same based on the information generated by the centralized management systems of the building or the information obtained through the collaboration with the company of maintenance.
Services offered:
- Tender and implementation of maintenance
- Quality control of maintenance
- Drafting of specific maintenance plan of the building
- Audit of existing plans and proposals for improvement
- Budget Calendar of investment in maintenance and substitutions in the long term depending on availability
- Technical Audits Maintenance plan
- Specifications of outsourcing
- Energy analysis
- Self-ProtectionpPlan of the building.